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学好英语 能干什么副业,学好英语口语能做什么工作? 爱问知识人

2021-06-27 副业赚钱 聪少自媒体



The Salmon Technical Team (STT) and staff of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) have

prepared this postseason review of the 2005ocean salmon fisheries off the coasts of Washington, Oregon,

and California to help assess Council salmon management and to provide a detailed description of the

affected environment for inclusion in a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis of the 2006

management measures。

The STT and Council staff will provide three additional reports prior to the

beginning of the ocean salmon season to help guide the Council=s selection of annual fishery management


The reports will provide estimates of stock abundance and analyze the impacts of the Council's

proposed and adopted management recommendations and will serve as analyses for alternatives in the

NEPA analysis。

West Coast fisheries in Council-managed waters (ocean fisheries between the U。S。/Canada border and the

U。S。/Mexico border from 3 to 200 nautical miles offshore) are directed toward and harvest primarily

chinook or king salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and coho or silver salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch。

Small numbers of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha also are harvested, especially in odd numbered

years。 There are no directed fisheries for other Pacific salmon species, and they occur rarely in Councilmanaged


The Council's annual review of ocean fisheries provides a summary of important biological and

socioeconomic data from which to assess the impacts of past management actions, determine how well

management objectives are being met, and improve regulations for the future。

The Council will formally

review this report at its March meeting prior to the development of management options for the

approaching fishing season。

Chapter I summarizes ocean salmon fishery regulations and landings within the Council management

area and management actions and landings under the jurisdiction of the Pacific Salmon Commission


Appendix A tables detail historical harvest data by state and by management area。

For Chinook and coho salmon, respectively, Chapters II and III assess, where possible, the achievement

of pertinent management objectives by salmon stock (including those listed under the Endangered Species

Act [ESA]), outline regulations to achieve the objectives, and summarize inside fisheries catch and

spawner escapement data。

Detailed information for other salmon species is not included, since Council

fisheries have very minor impacts on pink salmon escapements and no measurable impacts on sockeye or

chum salmon or steelhead trout。

Socioeconomic impacts of the fisheries are discussed in Chapter IV。 Appendices B through D provide

historical data on inland landings and escapements, ocean regulations, and fishery-related


The annual review of ocean salmon fisheries is drafted as early as landings and escapement information is

available。 The most recent entries are noted as preliminary and later updated when the data become final。

If updated information, or error corrections that could substantially affect the development of

management measures for the upcoming season are available, an errata sheet will be included as an

appendix in one of the subsequent STT preseason planning documents。


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