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2020-10-06 微博 聪少自媒体



〔摘要〕针对政务微博评价中使用经典 DEA模型的缺陷,基于评价的绩效价值导向,结合DEA理论,构建了考虑政务环境不可控因素、使用Non-Pareto序和具有强区分度的超效率DEA模型,以账户开设天数、总微博数、粉丝数、累计被转发数、累计被评论数和累计被点赞数作为多投入和多产出评价指标体系,并以人均 GDP和潜在受众基数作为环境指标,运用新模型对27个省级政府政务微博的运营绩效进行了评价,实证研究证明新模型具有良好的区分度,并且评价结果更加科学、客观和公正。




〔Abstract〕In order to e the ings of the classic DEA model applied in government affairs micro-blogs,based on performance orientation and DEA theories,this paper constructed a super-efficiency DEA model taking Non-controllable Variables of administrative environment,Non-Pareto and strong partition degree into paper also built an evaluation system of input and output for provincial government affairs micro-blogs from the following aspects,input and output indicators including time cost,content cost,numbers of micro-blogs,numbers of funs,times forwarded,times reviewed and so on,administrative environment indicators including per capita GDP and residents last,this paper used the new DEA method to evaluate the efficiency of 27 provincial government affairs micro? findings revealed that the new model had a good partition degree,moreover the results of assessments are scientific,objective and impartial.

〔Key words〕provincil government;government affairs micro-blogs;operational efficiency;DEA;evaluation indicator



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